The Cromach of Sky is the Laird, or Lord of the Islands of Sky. Say it like this. CROM-ack. He is one of the Florafae. FLORA-FAY. Who are the Florafae? Well, we might call them flower fairies, but the Cromach would not like that at all. In our world a cromach is a walking stick or a crook.
Clovie Trefoil is a Florafae, a girl of the Trefoil Clan. You might call her a clover fairy.
Bitterwing is a Bogle, one of the Fashfae.
Crimsie Trefoil (aka Aunt Crimsie) is an elder who tutors the young fae. She plays the tabor and fiddle.
The Heatherghillie (Hether-Gillie) is a fairy who left Summer Hay Holt a long time ago.
The Lochladdie of Lochfee is one of the Aquafae, or waterfairies.
Mairi is a marigold fae. She is the Cromach’s lady. She keeps him in order.
Moll o’ the Marsh is a marsh hag, one of the Aquafae.
Oak McNab, Fergus Thistle and Diantha Pink are three of the elders of the village of Summer Hay Holt. Fergus plays the pipes.
The Tussie is a creature of the glen.
The Hare is a creature living just outside Summer Hay Holt.
The Cauld One of Carn is an acquaintance of the Heatherghillie.
Clovie Trefoil is a Florafae, a girl of the Trefoil Clan. You might call her a clover fairy.
Bitterwing is a Bogle, one of the Fashfae.
Crimsie Trefoil (aka Aunt Crimsie) is an elder who tutors the young fae. She plays the tabor and fiddle.
The Heatherghillie (Hether-Gillie) is a fairy who left Summer Hay Holt a long time ago.
The Lochladdie of Lochfee is one of the Aquafae, or waterfairies.
Mairi is a marigold fae. She is the Cromach’s lady. She keeps him in order.
Moll o’ the Marsh is a marsh hag, one of the Aquafae.
Oak McNab, Fergus Thistle and Diantha Pink are three of the elders of the village of Summer Hay Holt. Fergus plays the pipes.
The Tussie is a creature of the glen.
The Hare is a creature living just outside Summer Hay Holt.
The Cauld One of Carn is an acquaintance of the Heatherghillie.